Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Cross Country results from the Golden Grizzly Invitational
6.0 years ago @ 8:47AM
- Game Date
- Aug 31, 2018
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 7
The Bedford boys cross country team placed 7th out of 17 teams at the Golden Grizzly Invitational, a 4K race hosted by Oakland University. Leading the Kicking Mules were seniors Noah Scheffer and Jake Reaume, who finished 16th and 18th, respectively. Senior Steven Kraine (37th), sophomore Aidan Burns (40th), and freshman Micah Scheffer (56th) rounded out the scoring for Bedford. In the JV race, Austin DePue and Ethan Lingle led the way for Bedford, finishing 6th and 15th in the field of 227 runners. The Kicking Mules will compete in their first league meet on Thursday, September 6. |