Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity & JV results from SEC Jamboree #1
6.0 years ago @ 8:26AM
- Game Date
- Sep 6, 2018
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 9
TBD: 0
The Bedford boys cross country team placed 9th out of 14 teams at the first SEC Jamboree of the season. Senior Noah Scheffer led the team, finishing 46th overall. Junior Seth Oxer and Sophomore Aidan Burns both ran lifetime bests, finishing 52nd and 53rd respectively. Senior Steven Kraine and freshman Micah Scheffer rounded out the scoring for the Kicking Mules.
In the JV race, senior Ethan Chevalier led the Mules, finishing 13th overall. Junior Caleb Bodine ran a life time best, finishing 34th overall. The Mules will compete at the Tiffin Cross Country Carnival on Saturday.