Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Cross Country at Chet Sullwold Invitational
6.0 years ago @ 9:49AM
- Game Date
- Sep 15, 2018
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 7
TBD: 0
The Bedford boys cross country team competed in the Chet Sullwood Invitational at Ottawa Park in Toledo today. The Kicking Mules placed 7th in a field of 15 teams. Senior Jake Reaume returned from an ankle injury to lead the Mules, placing 28thin the field of 135 in 17:39. Senior Noah Scheffer was the second Mule in (31st), followed by sophomore Aidan Burns (36th), freshman Collin Balla (48th), and senior Steven Kraine (65th).
In the JV race, Bedford placed 5th, with junior Austin Depue medaling with an 8th place finish. Also scoring for the Mules were senior Will Schmidt, junior Ryan Gore, junior Caden Bodine, and freshman Preston Ulery.
The guys are racing tougher each week, and that's going to pay off at the end of the year.