
Boys Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Cross Country vs. Carlson HS School

6.0 years ago @ 9:12AM
Game Date
Sep 29, 2018
MULESBedford Senior High School: 3

The Bedford boys cross country team placed 3rd in the Marauder Invitational at Lake Erie Metropark on Saturday, behind champion Salem and runner-up Ypsilanti Lincoln.

Medaling for the Mules were seniors Noah Scheffer (8th overall), Jake Reaume (10th), and Colin Chevalier (18th). Freshman Collin Balla finished 26th with a personal best mark at 17:51. In the JV race, freshman Micah Scheffer paced the Mules, also posting a personal best of 17:47. He was followed by top finishers Seth Oxer, Ethan Chevalier, and Austin DePue. Also posting personal bests at this meet were Ryan Gore, Fisher Rowe, Preston Ulery, Jack Harrison, Damien Robinson, Colby Reaume, Ryan Prielipp, and Wesley Silverthorn. 
