Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Cross Country participate in the Tiffin Carnival
5.0 years ago @ 10:10AM
- Game Date
- Sep 7, 2019
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 31
The Bedford Boys Cross Country Team traveled to the Tiffin Cross Country Carnival this weekend, one of the largest and most competitive meets in the nation. In the Division 1A race, Bedford placed 30th out of 34 teams, with junior Aidan Burns laying out a lifetime best (17:45), while sophomores Collin Balla and Micah Scheffer posted season bests, finishing in 17:21 and 17:59, respectively. In the Division 1B race, Bedford finished 28th out of 34 teams. Senior Ryan Gore (18:34) and sophomore Preson Ulery posted lifetime bests to lead the team in that race. In the Division 1 Open Race, Bedford placed 27th out of 34 teams. That race saw several runners post lifetime bests, including freshman Josh Gagne (19:27), freshman Anthony Kruszka (20:43), freshman Kaden Rarrick (23:28), and sophomore Miles Przybylski (23:44). The Mules will compete again on Tuesday at Hudson Mills Metropark in Dexter in the first SEC Jamboree of the season.