Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity XC finish in 3rd at the Tiffin Carnival
3.0 years ago @ 9:03AM
- Game Date
- Sep 11, 2021
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 3
The Bedford boys cross country team finished third overall in the Division 1B varsity race at the Tiffin Cross Country Carnival on Saturday.
Senior Alex Ortiz led the Kicking Mules, finishing 4th in the race, followed by senior Collin Balla, who finished 20th overall. Rounding out the scoring were senior Preston Ulery (37th), junior Josh Gagne (50th), and sophomore Gabe Bock (54th). In the Division 1 Open race, Bedford finished 8th overall. Outstanding performances were turned in by senior Grant Yeager, junior Anthony Kruszka, and sophomore Braiden Welch.
Bedford will compete next at the first SEC Jamboree on Tuesday at Hudson Mills Metropark in Dexter.
Congratulations are due to the junior high varsity team, as well, as they finished second overall in their race.