Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity & JV results from matches vs AA Huron and Pinckney
1 year ago @ 12:38PM
- Game Date
- Apr 13, 2023
The Bedford boys golf team defeated AA Huron and Pinckney today.
Spencer Eighmey was the overall medalist for the day shooting an even par 36.
Carter Klawonn finished with a 40
Frank Soss 41
Jayce Yarad, Taleon Guess, and Charlie Schmeider all finished with a 43.
Team totals
Bedford 160
AA Huron 175
Pinckney 191
The Bedford boys JV golf team defeated AA Huron and Pinckney today.
Brady Younce was low score for the JV mules with a 41.
Joe Weiss finished with a 44
Landon Martin 45
Cobin Stelmaszak 47
Connor Urbanski 48
Brady Bischoff 51
Zach Frost 54
Gavin Beiser 6
The Bedford golf team will next compete in the Ida Invite on 4/14/23.