
Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Golf results from Tecumseh Invite

1 year ago @ 4:17PM
Game Date
Apr 24, 2023

The Bedford boys golf teams finished 1st and 5th at the Tecumseh Invite today.
The first place team consisted of 
Carter Klawonn who finished 3rd overall with a score of 76
Frank Soss with a 79 and finished 6th overall.
Taleon Guess 80 and 9th overall.
Spencer Eighmey 84
Jayce Yarad  92

Bedford's 2nd team finished 5th overall
Camden Price 83 and 15th overall
Boston Gallup 88 
Leo Wagenhauser 90
Charlie Schmieder 91
Evan Campbell 95
