Game Summaries & Headlines.
Ladies finish third behind Pinckney and Chelsea...barely
6.0 years ago @ 6:28AM
- Game Date
- Sep 11, 2018
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 0
The Bedford Girls golf team lost a close one to Chelsea and Pinckney yesterday as the Lady Mules finished with a team total of 199.
Pinckney- 193
Chelsea- 197
Bedford- 199
Emma Mulder led the way as she took medalist honors with a low score of 44 at Inverness club in Chelsea.
Sami Hoogendoorn carded a 49.
Lauren Csurgo finished with a 50.
Madison Shalhoup had a 56 and Morgan Decker finished with a 57.
Julianna Vogel led the JV girls with a 60.
The varsity will next compete today against Adrian, Skyline, and Huron at Lenawee Country Club in Adrian.