Game Summaries & Headlines.
Ladies wrap up SEC golf season, Regionals next up
3.0 years ago @ 11:03AM
- Game Date
- Sep 27, 2021
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 0
TBD: 0
The Bedford girls golf team concluded their SEC schedule at the league tournament yesterday at Giant Oak golf club. The Lady Kicking Mules finished in 7th place of the red division with 14 team points on the season.
Bedford was led by senior Mady Bischoff with a season low 101.
Ashlen Trimmer finished with 104.
Grace Lump 105
Jersi Gossard 116
Hayley Beiser 133
Bedford will next compete in the Division 2 regional to be held at Pineview golf course in Ypsilanti on 10/5.