
Boys Freshman Baseball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Freshman sweep Pioneer HS in baseball action

3.0 years ago @ 8:32AM
Game Date
May 17, 2021
MULESBedford Senior High School: 2

Bedford freshman baseball took a DH from Ann Arbor Pioneer 9-4 and 5-1.  

Gabe Bock pitched well in the first game picking up the win while striking out 8.  Eli Elder went 2-4 with 2 singles and 2 RBI’s.  Drew Delagrange was 1-3 with a single, BB, run scored and an RBI.  

Hunter Poignon pitched a complete game earning the win only giving up 3 hits, 1 run, while striking out 8.  Adam Kraus was 1-3 with a single, scored a run and an RBI.  Poignon went 1-3 at the dish with a single, run scored and an RBI
