
Boys Freshman Baseball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Freshman Baseball sweep Whitmer HS School

3.0 years ago @ 10:13AM
Game Date
May 22, 2021
MULESBedford Senior High School: 2

Bedford freshman baseball took a DH from Whitmer 4-3 in 10 innings and 13-7.

Hunter Poignon started the first game, pitching well, while striking out 8.  Carter Klawonn came in relief to pick up the win.  Parker Edmondson went 2-4 with 2 singles and an RBI.  Drew Delagrange was 1-3 with a single, run and an RBI.

Ryan Schlagheck pitched for the first time this year earning the win in the second game.  Owen Kirk closed out the game in relief.  Kirk went 3-4 with 3 singles.  Adam Kraus went 2-4 with 2 singles2 runs and 2 RBI’s.  Max deGroff was 2-4 with 2 singles, 3 runs and an RBI.  
