Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Junior Varsity Basketball vs. Huron HS School
5.0 years ago @ 9:07AM
- Game Date
- Jan 17, 2020
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 44
The JV squad has little problem defeating the Huron JV team over the weekend. In your face defense was all the Lady Mules needed to do to keep Huron at bay. Final score was Bedford 44 AA Huron 14
Leading Bedford were:
Ava Gray - 9 pts
Julia Martin - 9 pts, 4 stls
Noelle Armstrong - 6 pts
Jillian Micua - 7 rebs
Jaime Santiago - 5 rebs
Raylynn Nocella - 5 rebs
Sydney Shammo - 5 stls
Overall 4-4
SEC Red 1-1
SEC Overall 1-1