
CoEd Junior High Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Bedford JH Boys XC team finished 12th in the Tiffin Carnival

5.0 years ago @ 10:17AM
Game Date
Sep 7, 2019
MULESBedford Senior High School: 0

The junior high boys cross country team took 12th out of 46 teams at the Tiffin Cross Country Carnival on Saturday.  It was a great effort against some of the best teams in the state of Ohio.  The team was led by the top 4 runners, Jordan Bunce, Gabe Bock, Sawyer Ulery, and Aiden DePue, who all ran personal best races.  Other runners who ran their best times were Jake Yeager, Ethan Thomas, Nick Balla, Eli Hinkleman, Caleb Manore, Grant Russell, Nathan Kwiatkowski, Andrew Knapp, Adrik Ruch, Scott Stewart, and Noah Puccetti.
The boys run next on Wednesday in Jackson, MI at the first league meet of the season.  Hopefully they continue their great running.
