
CoEd Junior High Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

JH Boys XC take 2nd in Dave's XC Invite at Ottawa Park on Saturday

5.0 years ago @ 7:05PM
Game Date
Sep 14, 2019
MULESBedford Senior High School: 0
TBD: 0

The junior high boys cross country team took 2nd at the Dave's XC Invite on Saturday at Ottawa Park in Toledo.  They ran an amazing race, where 30 of the boys ran personal best times.

They were led by Simon Vandervlucht, and Aiden Ortiz who took 4th and 5th place overall.  Others running great races were 8th graders Gabe Bock, Ethan Thomas, Jack Durivage, "The" John Ball,  Scott Stewart, Gabe Tegtmeyer, Adrik Ruch, and Andrew Knapp.  7th graders with personal best times were, Jake Yeager, Aiden Depue, Nick Balla, Jonas Enriquez, Braxon Lake, Eli Hinkleman, Nathan Koviak, Caleb Manore, Landon Danielson, Grant Russell, and Noah Puccetti.  And finally, 6th graders Bryce McCloud, Gage Bihn, Dane Hieronimus, Anthony Kraus, Nolan Brescol, Brendan McConnell, Gavin Tegtmeyer, Gaige Royer and Thomas Yockey all PR'd as well.  

Their runner-up trophy is on display in the office.  Check it out.
