
CoEd Junior High Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Junior HS XC take first in Monroe Miler over the weekend

5.0 years ago @ 8:35AM
Game Date
Oct 5, 2019
MULESBedford Senior High School: 0

The junior high boys cross country team won the 14 team Monroe Miler Invitational on Saturday.

The boys blew out the competition, with the next closest team being 70 points behind them.  They were led by great races from Jordan Bunce and Sawyer Ulery.  Jonas Enriquez, Braxon Lake, Eli Hinkleman and Trent Yeager were close behind.  Others having personal best times were, Andrew Knapp, Aaron Majewski, Scott Stewart, Grant Steffen and Gaige Royer.  Great job guys.  

The cross country teams have their last SEC meet of the season on Wednesday on their home course at Indian Creek.  Come out and cheer on the teams as they try to win the SEC league title.  

Girls races start at 4:15 and boys at 4:45.  We hope to see you there.  
