
CoEd Junior High Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

JH Boys XC win Bork Invitational; 13th ranked in Michigan on athletic.net

5.0 years ago @ 8:53AM
Game Date
Oct 12, 2019
MULESBedford Senior High School: 0

The junior high boys cross country team won their final meet of the season on Saturday by beating the 9 other teams at the Dave Bork Invitational in Monroe.  

Simon VanderVlucht used the aerodynamics of his new hair cut to come in first, with his teammate Gabe Bock coming in second.  Bryce McCloud and Aiden Depue finished as the top 6th and 7th graders in the race.  Other runners having great races were Braiden Welch, Joe Weiss, Scott Stewart, Adrik Ruch, Grant Russell and Andrew Knapp.  

The boys finish the season with 117 wins and only 21 losses, and ranked 13th in the state of Michigan on athletic.net.    

Great season guys! 
