Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Adrian HS School
7.0 months ago @ 3:39PM
- Game Date
- Aug 23, 2024
- Score
- MULESBedford Senior High School: 3.00
Bedford won the Adrian Tourn 8/23 over Adrian, Tecumseh and Ypsilanti which was a no show.
1singles Jaxon Nejedlik won both matches in straight sets while setting the school all time wins record in the process. 1doubles Carter Ryan and Taylor Burgermeister won both in straight sets as did 2doubles Bryce Bialorucki and Landon Sparks along with 3 doubles Josh Beauregard-Knittle and Cooper Daudelin.
It was a good day for everyone on the team to start the season.