No team summary for this season.
Girls Junior High Cross Country Important Information for the 2022 season
Posted on 07/22/2022
Voluntary Conditioning: (7/25)
We will begin meeting behind the junior high school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 9-10 AM. If anyone is able, I encourage you to come out and start doing some running! Nothing too hard, just a little conditioning to get you ready. Dress to run and bring water.
When: Starting Monday (7/25), M/W/F from 9-10AM. We will eventually begin running everyday.
Where: Behind the junior high school, we will meet at the big tree
What to Bring: Dress for running. Running shoes, shorts, shirt. Personal Water Bottle. Bug Spray
Water: All athletes are required by the school to bring their own water to every practice. A small personal thermos with water (nothing too big) is required for each athlete every day they attend.
Beginning the second or third week of August, practice will change to every day. If you need help with rides, I encourage you to reach out to each other.
Sign-Up: Everyone who plans to be on the team needs to sign up, upload physicals, and pay their athletic fee on the school athletic department website.
***Sports Physicals - No one can practice or compete in meets until they have a current sports physical (done after 4/15/22) on file. You will need to upload it directly to Final Forms DO NOT TURN THE FORM INTO THE COACH.
(The Mercy Urgent Care near Lambertville Kroger does them as a walk-in for $25. Also, the Kroger Clinic in Toledo on Laskey Rd. is $35 and walk-in.)
You can upload the completed form on the bedford final forms site linked above.
Vacations: I know many of you are busy with activities and vacations this summer. I encourage the girls to attend every day they are able, but I am very understanding of schedule conflicts and family obligations (I have 4 kids of my own).
Tuesday, September 6 - This is the first day of school. Once school starts, there will be a different practice time, TBD. Once the school year starts, attendance is required everyday.
If you know of anyone else who might be interested in running, I encourage you to pass this information along to them.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them for you.
My email is: